Tuesday, 18 January 2011
play piercing supplies
Arguing loudly, play slapping, snapping each other with a rubber band ball,
A couple kids play in the dirt, they look up and stare as we pass by.
Yesterday' Limited Supplies Challenge on SCS was "triple play".no more
Body piercing. Image by rbatina. She wasn't feeling very good today,
He just smiled with those warm piercing eyes and began to play.
I got my cheeks pierced, again! Hopefully third time will be the charm,
Finally we found a loofah, which can play! Our great loves her laboratory
Supplies: Paper cutter with scoring blade, or extra scoring tool (I used
Just kidding…that's armor piercing ammo that they occasionally "play" with.
Inspired by the snow day I decided to play with a sort of snow/ice queen
Re: Let's see your piercings & tattoos! ooh. I want to play too! Tattoos
The boys came, but they left early to go shopping for supplies for out
purchasing surprisingly cheap tattoo supplies
Uses Sweet Scoops Clear-Mount Set and Word Play Clear-Mount Set plus
Piercing Tool, SU! Corner Rounder, SU!
into "Keep On Knocking" and proceeded to play For The Whole World To See
13 Piece Sounding Wands Urethra Play - Sound Wand Set - Dittel Sounds
13 Piece Sounding Wands Urethra Play - Sound Wand Set - Dittel Sounds
Inspired by the snow day I decided to play with a sort of snow/ice queen