Thursday, 13 January 2011
barbarella piercing
The other three designers are Pink Revolver, Barbarella, and rok:her:roots,
Vadim; Barbarella on speed, or something like that". Iggy Pop. (b. 1947)
Barbarella. Image Hosted by Lonny Unitus –
weird movies besides this one: Barbarella (1968) and Performance (1970).
Barbarella 5. Pais Tropical 6. Take It Easy My Brother Charles
She's been compared to almost every female from Cinderella to Barbarella.
Fonda in the 1968 movie ” Space Heroine “(Barbarella) in appearance .
They remind me of something I might see in Barbarella or in Spock's quarters
Cartoon: sailors grave (medium) by barbarella tagged sailor,tattoo,bird,
Barbarella - Piercings - kropp
The play-piercing shooting I was writing about last time went very well and
Vadim; Barbarella on
Piercing Bridge (puente de la conexion, puente punzante) banda dedicada al
Reblogged 2 months ago from interstellar-barbarella (Originally from
Barbarella Pictures, Images and Photos
Plastic: Barbarella Named Sexiest Sci-Fi Character
Colorful piercings 2
Tags:weird piercings piercings in weird places microdermal piercing hand
(at least until spring), what do you think of her Barbarella outfit?
my wrist piercing